Saturday, April 3, 2010

Why do we Fear the Unknown so Very Much?

As Featured On EzineArticles

Why as humans do we fear the unknown so very much?

There's an old saying, 'What you don't know, can't hurt you'. Bad grammar and all, or is that just where I'm from!

Anyway, this UNKNOWN thing. Its a bit scary, a bit nerve jangling, a bit exciting perhaps to some?

Maybe that's it!! Perhaps that is why some people charge fearlessly into the unknown, damn or be damned, besurker styley and the rest of us cowards (me included) hide behind the parapets with our heads buried in our hands hoping it won't happen to us?

Is that the same reason that some people make it online and others don't, bravery 21st century style?

Wealding a mouse not a pen nor a broad sword? Doesn't quite replace the romantic vision of knights of old but everything has to change they recon, call it progress, for better or worse...

At some point in everyones life a time may come when they must stand up and be counted. Perhaps during a time of economic downturn such as we now find ourselves in, people that you'd never of expected, turn around and say ENOUGH.

I no longer need to be part of this rat race that is destroying my self belief, my self worth, my health and my family life. I do not need, nor am I willing to put up with this any longer. I reclaim ME.

I know it all sounds very melodramatic but if you dared to, I bet you would. If it wasn't for the security of that pay check, as meagre as it may be. For the escape from the house, for what ever reason, we are allowed to con ourselves that to work for someone is the best way for us 'little people' to get by, pay cheque-to-pay cheque. Never quite enough, so that we strive and line the pockets of the upper management creaming it off from our hard work.

It is not fair but it is the way that lots of people choose to live. Think about it. I bet that you do too but perhaps you haven't thought about it quite like that before.

Because we're not sure about something, we are hesitant to get involved or even try it out. This hesitancy pervades through all our lives and for some, ultimately rules their lives.

Is this frightened life really what we had in mind for ourselves as we tried over and over again to get to that higher branch in the old tree when we were children. It is such a pity that so many of our dreams fade with the harsh reality of being a grown up. We even have the language to defend our lack of aspiration, a resignation to 'this is the way its meant to be...'

WHY? Who said that all I can aspire to is a dead end job on basic salary?

HOW dare they?


The 'there there, maybe its not for you' pathetic patronising that makes me so very angry.

IT IS for me too, and for you and you and as many as want to grab it in both hands and not expect it to land in their laps like pennies from heaven!!

Stop being afraid of the UNKNOWN and go out there and grasp it around the throat and declare 'I am not afraid of you anymore!'

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