Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A week of article writing and submissions

Come on guys, I've not put these articles up to boast. I'm advertising the fact that if I can do it, hell, anyone can. Just knuckle down and give it a go.

As you can see from the length of these articles, I have no problem exceeding the minimum words aspect of article submission. I always have been a bit of a chatter box but one of the main things that makes it super easy is that I know what I'm talking about.

These articles are all about Newbie Overwhelm and confusion and until recently I didn't have a clue. So like I said, I have written about what I know.

These articles were submitted and reviewed in the last week so I haven't been doing this for years. Its all very new to me too and I must say that I am delighted with the outcome of my first submissions.

I'll stick the last two up tomorrow so you can have a look and see what you think.

You may be wondering why on earth I decided to write my own articles when Lee McIntyre's course provides a file full of them.

Well to be honest with you, I spun them and tried to get them submitted but they were spat back as too similar to articles already on the Ezine@rticles site. I might of got one in somewhere else but its all so confusing at the moment that I'm not sure what went where. As you can tell, organisation is not my forte as much as I try, anyway.

Don't forget this course has been available in various guises for a while now and those that jumped on its original form have benefited from the 'newness' of it. So be prepared to write your own articles or at least radically change those provided.

Give it a go and then you can find out how to do it by trial and error. Its very quick and painless. I had one refused because it was too similar but I might have got mixed up and tried to submit one article twice. I don't know, I'm just getting the hang of it at the moment.

I am now very confused with different versions of the same articles floating about in various files so my first job tomorrow (after the party!) is to collect together all the various versions of my articles and sort out where they went to, when and if they've been accepted.

That will do for a start I think.

As Featured On EzineArticles

Caught in the Trap of Newbie Overwhelm

Does this ring any bells with you? Caught in the procrastination trap? Can't see the woods for the trees? I finally managed to write a blog post! I had been trying to do this for months and not managed to set aside the time/other things like life got in the way,

PROCRASTINATION got in the way and the rest is just an excuse!!

My reason for writing this is I want to help you NOT get in the dreadful negative mind set that I'd gotten myself into. At times like these we need positive thoughts and actions, easier said than done I know, but...

But its really up to us as individuals to get on with making the best out of whats available with what little resources we have at our disposal.

As the Work from Home revolution continues many people are exploring the different ways available to make money online. The web is massive so there is room for everyone, we just need a little help to get started off on the right foot, that's all.

Help is out there to point you in the right direction like I have been helped to get this far, which I can assure you, is a long way. Over the last two years or so I have finally got myself out of the doldrums after my contract was not renewed. I realise now that I was licking my wounds and sulking after more than 10 years working with the same project.

I had no idea what I wanted to do really, after all, all that I'd done since graduating was this type of research work and I felt hopeless, even after spending time with a good careers advisor and I know that I was lucky to get that (even though my employer didn't exactly set that up for me). Once I began looking at the internet as a possible source of income, I just started to drown in information.


I had signed up to so many income generating sites that I spent all my time going through loads and loads of emails. I couldn't not do it just in case the last one I'd signed up to was the answer. Of course it wasn't but I had to look.

It took till recently to realise just how conditioned I had become to checking/going through my emails first thing before doing anything else. I made a conscious decision to not check them everyday and the sky has not fallen in, at least not from what I'm aware of.

Weird isn't it. It seemed so important but its not. I will get around to it later, after I have actually accomplished something. It took me a few goes to write and publish my first blog post and I was also scared to do it. Don't now why. Could it just be that I had never done anything like this before? Probably.

Then I realised that I wasn't bothered if anyone read that first post because that one was for me, to overcome my fear of the unknown and to finally set sail into the ether that is the internet.

Newbie Disappointment

I made the decision to make-it online a few years ago and proceeded to be side-tracked by every new thing that came my way.

Usual newbie rabbit, caught in the headlights. Trouble was,my optimism was not matched by the actual online success thing. You know the 'magic button' that you're led to believe in.

Thing is though that for some, the magic button does exist apparently. The bit you don't know at the beginning is that the 'magic button' is built on the very top of a humongous pile of hard, FOCUSED work.

The operative word here is FOCUSED

If you do like I did, you'll be flitting from this to that and basically achieve nothing.This is a great way for you to lose money quickly and make lots of money for the guys who sell these products.

You must of heard the comment that 'you make your money when you sell your own products!'

I'm not saying that your lack of commitment to one product only benefits the seller but they won't complain!

Another problem being that no one catches hold of you as you enter into this crazy merry-go-round of possibilities and gives you a manual on how to start.

More than anything, I think the old hindsight adage is relevant here.

If you knew that pay-per-click was not for you, at least not yet, you would never have got the course in the first place.

Yeah, I bought a course that seemed very good and I have no doubt that it is but it just blew me away and confused me as it was all too new.

The small print that seems to be missing on the sales pages.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't think that making money online meant NO work just that it wouldn't include a load of blind alleys full of empty boxes that the latest course was delivered in!

Resource box:If you're new to internet marketing come along to and laugh at me as I muck it up again. Learn from my mistakes as Lee McIntyre shows you and me how it should be done. Come with me step-by-step to a better future and financial freedom. Be prepared to put some work in too!

Don't be a Rabbit Caught in The Headlights!

I moved the following post, across from lets get started online today! one of the other blogs in this set of early attempts. Check it out by following the link

'About Me'

'View my complete profile' on the right...

I liked this and thought that you might like it too, and to save you the effort of clicking the full profile stuff and finding it, I thought I'd lay it out on a plate as it were. Hope you like it,

Don't get caught in the headlights

Don't be a rabbit caught in the glare of the gurus headlights as they speed past in their Lambourginis (if thats how you spell it!) apologies to the makers, beautiful cars they are but no good for the roads around here I'm afraid.

In this neck of the woods, you'd be best off with a four-wheel drive Toyota truck that can take a lot of bashing and still start in two foot of snow!

Anyway, I digress, again!

Don't do what I did and get caught up in the pre-launch forore of countless 'make-money-online' courses which hold the interest of a 'monkey-brain' as mine is, for the length of time it takes to read it and get confused.

What you need is...


This guy, is all you need.

Lee McIntyre

No bells and whistles. No flash presentation. No flash anything.

Tells it how it is and leads you through the minefield of internet marketing one step at a time.

Get involved with Point and Click Coaching NOW

Usual bribes apply, ie. join for cheap trial and hopefully you stay subscribed.

Standard approach BUT definitely NOT standard content.

Give it a try NOW

This is not in the correct format for submission as an article as most sites will not accept embedded links never mind the blatant advertising.

All links are normally restricted to the author box at the end of the article, which if you think about it for a minute, is how it should be.

After all the web was not set up for the sole use of marketers. It is a fantastic source of information and advice even when some of it needs to be taken with a bit of salt.

Keep an eye out for my next post regarding inaccuracies in article writing!!

If you don't understand what you are talking about, why are you still talking??!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

You are now in the presence of greatness, he he ;-0

Hey , guess what! I've had 3 articles accepted by Ezine@rticles, woohoo!!!

The beginning of driving traffic...

Submitted two or three others to blog carnivals...

So we'll see if anything happens, fingers crossed eh.

And to show off the Ezine@rticles success, I've been sent my own badge to display as an expert author.

Ha ha, if only they know what we know. Its little-ol'-me just trying to get started and having a ball.

I've also got a widget from Blog Carnivals somewhere. Sorry guys if you're reading this, its not lost, just somewhere else. I'll find that out too ;-/

I've not written this much since I was at college and we didn't have to submit typed work. Not everyone had access to PC's then. Come to think of it, PC's weren't invented then and we had access to old BBC sheds to do a bit of PL1 programing. Oh thank God for Apple Macintosh and then Microsoft caught on.

I'll do something about articles in the next few days so keep 'em peeled. I'll also move my articles over to show you what I got my badge for.

Not been given anything for years, especially not for my work. Anyway, like I said, I'll move the articles over in the next few days. Now where did I put them..?

Caught in the Trap of Newbie Overwhelm

Tinkering at the Edges of Internet Marketing?
Unable to move forward because of this and that?

Excuses to stop you succeeding!

Until you silence that inner problematic nay-sayer in your head you will stay in the exact same hole, drowning in emails and achieving nothing.

Give yourself the proverbial kick in the pants, climb out of that hole and ignore those emails for a day or even two ;-). I did and never looked back.

Free yourself to succeed.

Does this ring any bells with you? Caught in the procratination trap? Can't see the wood for the trees?

I finally managed to write a blog post! I had been trying to do this for months and not managed to set aside the time/other things like life got in the way,

got in the way and the rest is just an excuse!!

My reason for writing this was to help you NOT get in the dreadful negative mind set that I'd gotten myself into. At times like these we need positive thoughts and actions, easier said than done I know, but...

But its really up to us as individuals to get on with making the best out of what's available with what little resources we have at our disposal.

As the Work from Home Revolution continues many people are exploring the different ways available to make money online. The web is massive so there is room for everyone, we just need a little help to get started off on the right foot, thats all :-)

Help is out there to point you in the right direction like I have been helped to get this far, which I can assure you, is a long way...

Over the last two years or so I have finally got myself out of the doldrums after my contract was not renewed. I realise now that I was licking my wounds and sulking after more than 10 years working with the same project.

I had no idea what I wanted to do really, after all, all that I'd done since graduating was this type of research work and I felt hopeless, even after spending time with a good careers advisor and I know that I was lucky to get that (even though my employer didn't exactly set that up for me).

Once I began looking at the internet as a possible source of income, I just started to drown in information.


I had signed up to so many income generating sites that I spent all my time going through loads and loads of emails. I couldn't not do it just incase the last one I'd signed up to was the answer. Of course it wasn't but I had to look.

It took till recently to realise just how conditioned I had become to checking/going through my emails first thing before doing anything else. I made a concious decision to not check them everyday and the sky has not fallen in, at least not from what I'm aware of.

Weird isn't it. It seemed so important but its not. I will get around to it later, after I have actually accomplished something, or maybe tomorrow.

It took me a few goes to write and publish my first blog post and I was also scared to do it. Don't know why. Could it just be that I had never done anything like this before? Probably.

Then I realised that I wasn't bothered if anyone read that first post because that one was for me, to overcome my fear of the unknown and to finally set sail into the ether that is the internet.

If I can take a deep breath and hit PUBLISH then I'm sure that you can. After that its just a case of honing your writing technique and skills to become a better writer and ultimately make your writing (or copy) irresistible to your reader.

Ask any good copywriter charging $200+ for an email. I rest my case.

The ability to write well is a very valuable skill, so get practising and hitting that publish button.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Welcome to your new adventure...

Congratulations for making it this far.

Read the following post or article, if you want and tell me what you think.

My New Adventure

Loads of people just sit there thinking about doing something but never manage to get around to it.

There are as many reasons for this as there are people sitting there thinking about it!

These were a few of mine in no particular order...
  1. FEAR
  4. IDEAS
So tackling them one by one...

This was my biggest by a long way!

Most of every ones' fear comes from the unknown,
'OOOHHH! Scary' to paraphrase 'Bob' from Monsters V's Aliens. Excellent film by the way. Sorry, back to it...

Lets face it, how many times have you done something for the first time and sat back and said with a smile 'well, that wasn't as hard as I thought it would be'.

Do you remember as a kid being scared of the shadow in the corner of your room
that turned out... to be your favorite teddy bear when the light was switched on?


doing something new is just the same.

Take the fear out of all the new stuff by going HERE

2. Failure
Failure at what though? You've actually published something on-line and that's an achievement in itself! So many people don't even get that far.

Ok, it doesn't pay the bills but Rome wasn't built in a day either!

We do have an advantage here though. One of the perceived negative things about the internet is its anonymity.

You don't know who you are dealing with on the whole, but this anonymity can also be a huge advantage for you! Especially as you're getting started.

Lets face it, you can publish articles and blog posts and no one needs to know who you are unless of coarse, you want them to. No one knows that nobody has read your blog yet except you and no body needs to know that blog X is actually the fifth version that you've tried.

All they need to know is that this fifth one gives the visitor what they wanted! Hurray!! :-)

3. Lack of funds
Ok, its not easy to try and start your on-line empire without investment but lets be honest here, most folks are frightened of the idea of trying to go it alone, without the boss anyway and you probably wouldn't be seriously pursuing this route unless things weren't going quite to your grand plan.

Hey, my research job finished and there was no new contract, thats science UK style for you. Anyway, thats another story...

If you are considering this work-at-home approach because you have no job, very little opportunity of getting a job that pays enough to survive/live on, illness that makes working a standard 9-5 difficult for whatever reason, perhaps the best approach is to bite the bullet and go for it.

But how do you do it with no, or very little spare cash?

There are ways, of course ;-) and a short list will suffice for now: free sites ie blogs; squidoo lenses; hub pages are all free places for you to sell affiliate products; your services, of the legal variety of course, etc

This list is by no means comprehensive. Go to Google and search for free ways.

I just put in 'free websites like squidoo' and got back 1,220,000 hits.

Try other searches until you get something you're comfortable with. Hey they're free so you've got nothing to lose.

4. No ideas

Have you noticed the explosion of magazines at the newsagents? They wouldn't be there if people didn't want them or at least, 'think' that they wanted them.

Those magazines cost money to produce, research, design, writing, photography, printing, etc and if the publishers didn't think there was a market, do you think that they'd waste their profits?

No, of course not. This is where we have the advantage. Our major costs are time and effort, electricity supply and internet connection. Peanuts in comparison!

So what are you waiting for?!

5. Too much competition
Now this one is such a lame excuse.

The w.w.w stands for WORLD WIDE WEB so I think there should be a little space available for your 'teach your gerbil to sing in 6 weeks' e-book/video/mp4 etc.

There is space for all comers BUT you must have a market in the first place!

Just don't assume that people will buy anything. You don't, do you!?

If you can target your product for search words entered into the search engines the rest is a case of sorting out how you approach the buyer.

If you don't convert visitors to buyers, take a long hard look at your offer and think of what goes through your mind as you make a more traditional purchase in a shop.

Would you buy it?

Don't forget though, 'they' recon that it takes up to a minimum of seven visits before a buyer actually hits that magic golden button to BUY, so you need to get your offer out there NOT stuck inside your head gathering cerebral dust!

But thats another story.

The beginnings of driving traffic...

Enough is enough!

Do you realise how privileged you are?

You are now witnessing the beginning of my attempts to drive traffic to this (and other associated) blogs.

What associated blogs? you ask.

Check out the profile button on the right, yep thats it. 'About Me View my complete profile.'

Click on the words, don't be scared, you can't muck it up, honest :-) There you go.

It includes my other blogs on this account.

It sort of documents my attempts at writing blog posts, losing the bits I had written into the ether, as far as I was concerned anyway. Couldn't find them for days.

Never mind the social site StumbleUpon, thats what my blog account is like too!

Have a look and you'll see what I mean :-/

Almost as if I was trying to prove that I really am a numpty. I can assure you that it is really no pretence!

I am as bad as I write that I am!

You see, there is hope for you too. I'm dangerous if I'm left alone for too long as well...

Cue crazed laughter ha ha ;-0

Honestly, if I'm managing to do this, you definitely can!!!



Yep, I am shouting at you.

Get off your bum/fanny or whatever you call the bit you sit on and change your life for the better,

its as simple as that!

what have you got to lose, really?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Not Giving Up On My Dreams!

Are you new to the internet with regards to making money?

Either because you hate your job, like thousands of others; or you'd like more money so you have something to show for your 40 hour work week;

Or because you have become a victim of the economic downturn;

Or health problems or what ever the reason or reasons, you will have been blown away by the amount of information, good and bad, that's out there.

You go from page to page reading one offer after another promising a lifestyle better than the one you have ever known.

Your mind starts to spin and you can't decide whether to sign up to this mailing list or that free ebook or guide to making it online.

Should it be article marketing; blogging; pay-per-click; advertisement placement; and the list goes on, and on...

Its a crazy place with marketers vying for your attention with eye catching headlines, flash websites and the like.


Take a breath and relax.

What you really need is someone to guide you
through the hazards and traps of the internet.

Someone, plain speaking and sincere to help you get a foothold.

Get a bit of confidence and a few dollars in your pocket.

At first, just enough to prove to the ney-sayers in your life that you are not wasting your time and that this can be more profitable than a few hours work in the local convenience store!

I've been there too.

I have not given up.

I am going to succeed and Lee McIntyre's Point and Click Coaching is helping me get there.

Watch this space...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Time to stop rambling on

Time is precious and we never seem to have enough of it.

All that can change when you don't work for someone else. Be your own boss and drive yourself for a real feeling of freedom!!!



I made a mistake, :-( Ok move on...

It didn't work, :-( Ok move on...
  • Keep trying,
  • don't be scared,
  • don't be put off by anything OR anyone and most importantly,
believe in yourself!

If I can be this positive, anyone can.

Lee McIntyre can show you how