Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Focus, Focus, Focus!!!


Stop chasing rainbows and the pot of gold at the end of it!

There is no MAGIC BUTTON (at least not yet)

Until you do this, you will achieve nothing. Sad but true, but chasing your tail achieves nothing.

Chasing after the 'magic button' is a fruitless waste of time, energy and money and the sooner you realise this the better.

I have been listening to Lee McIntyre all morning on his videos as part of the Point and Click Coaching Course

I must admit that he seemed to have been watching what I've been doing over the past few years. So much of it has rung true and given me hope and the drive to write this and get on with things again. Especially after yesterday :-/

This is speaking from experience and as the previous post shows, I still have a tendency to waste my time chasing rainbows if I'm not careful. I have the attention span of a gnat unless I get my teeth into something and then I can get so stuck into the minutiae to the umpth degree.

Think of me as being two forces pulling in opposite directions! Sometimes this works well but for the most part I am at loggerheads with myself.

One side of me has an idea and the other side dismisses it in a flash. I don't need well intentioned folks telling me that I ought to get a proper job. My more negative side tells me this sort of thing all the time, what ever I'm trying to do!

In some ways I think this is a good thing because it has made me more resolute and obstinate. Once my mind is made up, its very difficult to change it.

I have decided that I am going to make it online.

I am working on a product at the moment. I have been jotting stuff down for ages. I just need to focus and get my teeth into it, get it done, get it launched, and see what happens.

At this point I must point out that I have researched the niche and it may be good or it may not. We will see...

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