Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The joys of living on the west coast of Wales

Unlike the previous post, this will be published today after its written.

Once again, I'm confusing myself and getting all tied up and confused. True Numpty style!

I now have three Squidoo pages set up for the same thing because I'd forgotten how to use it and I had also forgotten what I had titled it as. :-/ Why do I bother? I could not get organised if I was wrapped up and just had to sit still!

It doesn't help having a lack of memory to challenge a gold fish or should that be a gnat??!!

To make matters worse, my PC is so slow because its very full of stuff I've brought over the years and my disk drive refuses to burn anything for me. Whoopee.

On top of which, living over here on the west coast of Wales, as lovely as that is, there are a few draw backs such as the hamster speed of the broadband we finally receive. Actually the hamster has at least one leg in plaster and is blind-folded too not to mention the high hurdles it has to negotiate as well.

As you may have noticed by now, during this morning it felt like carrier pigeon would be a faster option to our Broadband connection!!

Enough of excuses, I have been working on another blog and the squidoo pages all to promote my new affiliate product. A collection of articles too which are ready to go once I sort out where I left them ready to publish!!!

Is there really any hope for me to get it sorted I hear you ask? Well, of course there is, it just takes me more time to sort it out and then to check I've done it right ;-/ Thats what I was trying to do this morning with the plastered hamster speed connection, hence you get this post to let you know I'm still here and making work for myself as usual :-)

Enough of a moan, I have lenses to sort out...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Not skiving

Guess who forgot to save the first writing? Actually I thought that I had but Blogger seems to think otherwise. Anyway, good to be back here again. I've been writing quite a few articles and stuff for an affiliate product other than Lee McIntyres Point and Click Coaching. So its not in the Internet Marketing niche.

Oh, I haven't dropped out of that or anything, actually the next few weeks look to be full of good stuff and I'm looking forward to getting my nose stuck into that when it arrives. Not to overload you, the weeks arrive, well every month as a 4 week package to stop you jumping ahead of yourself and ok, thats what I did a bit.

I got bored. Waiting. Couldn't think of anything else to do so I diversified, although this is not recommended because you tend to leave other stuff to rot while you set off up that bloody mountain again in search of the big red button. No.

Back at base camp. I am learning quite a lot I think and my writing has improved although I still go off on one, so a good prune of the ramblings is often needed. But they recon you should write how you talk and yep, I go off on one there too.

Talking of rambling, I must go and wander off to school. Gorgeous afternoon for it too :-)