Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Welcome to your new adventure...

Congratulations for making it this far.

Read the following post or article, if you want and tell me what you think.

My New Adventure

Loads of people just sit there thinking about doing something but never manage to get around to it.

There are as many reasons for this as there are people sitting there thinking about it!

These were a few of mine in no particular order...
  1. FEAR
  4. IDEAS
So tackling them one by one...

This was my biggest by a long way!

Most of every ones' fear comes from the unknown,
'OOOHHH! Scary' to paraphrase 'Bob' from Monsters V's Aliens. Excellent film by the way. Sorry, back to it...

Lets face it, how many times have you done something for the first time and sat back and said with a smile 'well, that wasn't as hard as I thought it would be'.

Do you remember as a kid being scared of the shadow in the corner of your room
that turned out... to be your favorite teddy bear when the light was switched on?


doing something new is just the same.

Take the fear out of all the new stuff by going HERE

2. Failure
Failure at what though? You've actually published something on-line and that's an achievement in itself! So many people don't even get that far.

Ok, it doesn't pay the bills but Rome wasn't built in a day either!

We do have an advantage here though. One of the perceived negative things about the internet is its anonymity.

You don't know who you are dealing with on the whole, but this anonymity can also be a huge advantage for you! Especially as you're getting started.

Lets face it, you can publish articles and blog posts and no one needs to know who you are unless of coarse, you want them to. No one knows that nobody has read your blog yet except you and no body needs to know that blog X is actually the fifth version that you've tried.

All they need to know is that this fifth one gives the visitor what they wanted! Hurray!! :-)

3. Lack of funds
Ok, its not easy to try and start your on-line empire without investment but lets be honest here, most folks are frightened of the idea of trying to go it alone, without the boss anyway and you probably wouldn't be seriously pursuing this route unless things weren't going quite to your grand plan.

Hey, my research job finished and there was no new contract, thats science UK style for you. Anyway, thats another story...

If you are considering this work-at-home approach because you have no job, very little opportunity of getting a job that pays enough to survive/live on, illness that makes working a standard 9-5 difficult for whatever reason, perhaps the best approach is to bite the bullet and go for it.

But how do you do it with no, or very little spare cash?

There are ways, of course ;-) and a short list will suffice for now: free sites ie blogs; squidoo lenses; hub pages are all free places for you to sell affiliate products; your services, of the legal variety of course, etc

This list is by no means comprehensive. Go to Google and search for free ways.

I just put in 'free websites like squidoo' and got back 1,220,000 hits.

Try other searches until you get something you're comfortable with. Hey they're free so you've got nothing to lose.

4. No ideas

Have you noticed the explosion of magazines at the newsagents? They wouldn't be there if people didn't want them or at least, 'think' that they wanted them.

Those magazines cost money to produce, research, design, writing, photography, printing, etc and if the publishers didn't think there was a market, do you think that they'd waste their profits?

No, of course not. This is where we have the advantage. Our major costs are time and effort, electricity supply and internet connection. Peanuts in comparison!

So what are you waiting for?!

5. Too much competition
Now this one is such a lame excuse.

The w.w.w stands for WORLD WIDE WEB so I think there should be a little space available for your 'teach your gerbil to sing in 6 weeks' e-book/video/mp4 etc.

There is space for all comers BUT you must have a market in the first place!

Just don't assume that people will buy anything. You don't, do you!?

If you can target your product for search words entered into the search engines the rest is a case of sorting out how you approach the buyer.

If you don't convert visitors to buyers, take a long hard look at your offer and think of what goes through your mind as you make a more traditional purchase in a shop.

Would you buy it?

Don't forget though, 'they' recon that it takes up to a minimum of seven visits before a buyer actually hits that magic golden button to BUY, so you need to get your offer out there NOT stuck inside your head gathering cerebral dust!

But thats another story.

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