Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Caught in the Trap of Newbie Overwhelm

Tinkering at the Edges of Internet Marketing?
Unable to move forward because of this and that?

Excuses to stop you succeeding!

Until you silence that inner problematic nay-sayer in your head you will stay in the exact same hole, drowning in emails and achieving nothing.

Give yourself the proverbial kick in the pants, climb out of that hole and ignore those emails for a day or even two ;-). I did and never looked back.

Free yourself to succeed.

Does this ring any bells with you? Caught in the procratination trap? Can't see the wood for the trees?

I finally managed to write a blog post! I had been trying to do this for months and not managed to set aside the time/other things like life got in the way,

got in the way and the rest is just an excuse!!

My reason for writing this was to help you NOT get in the dreadful negative mind set that I'd gotten myself into. At times like these we need positive thoughts and actions, easier said than done I know, but...

But its really up to us as individuals to get on with making the best out of what's available with what little resources we have at our disposal.

As the Work from Home Revolution continues many people are exploring the different ways available to make money online. The web is massive so there is room for everyone, we just need a little help to get started off on the right foot, thats all :-)

Help is out there to point you in the right direction like I have been helped to get this far, which I can assure you, is a long way...

Over the last two years or so I have finally got myself out of the doldrums after my contract was not renewed. I realise now that I was licking my wounds and sulking after more than 10 years working with the same project.

I had no idea what I wanted to do really, after all, all that I'd done since graduating was this type of research work and I felt hopeless, even after spending time with a good careers advisor and I know that I was lucky to get that (even though my employer didn't exactly set that up for me).

Once I began looking at the internet as a possible source of income, I just started to drown in information.


I had signed up to so many income generating sites that I spent all my time going through loads and loads of emails. I couldn't not do it just incase the last one I'd signed up to was the answer. Of course it wasn't but I had to look.

It took till recently to realise just how conditioned I had become to checking/going through my emails first thing before doing anything else. I made a concious decision to not check them everyday and the sky has not fallen in, at least not from what I'm aware of.

Weird isn't it. It seemed so important but its not. I will get around to it later, after I have actually accomplished something, or maybe tomorrow.

It took me a few goes to write and publish my first blog post and I was also scared to do it. Don't know why. Could it just be that I had never done anything like this before? Probably.

Then I realised that I wasn't bothered if anyone read that first post because that one was for me, to overcome my fear of the unknown and to finally set sail into the ether that is the internet.

If I can take a deep breath and hit PUBLISH then I'm sure that you can. After that its just a case of honing your writing technique and skills to become a better writer and ultimately make your writing (or copy) irresistible to your reader.

Ask any good copywriter charging $200+ for an email. I rest my case.

The ability to write well is a very valuable skill, so get practising and hitting that publish button.

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